❖ 心理學家著作
❖ 書籍
翁偉傑、張明麗、黎婉儀、張詠詩著。“青蔥教室系列之躍動成長路─專注力不足過動症學童全方位校本支援計劃 (教師手冊)” 香港:協康會,2011
Comprehensive School based supportive program for children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Hong Kong: Heep Hong Society
翁偉傑、張明麗、黎婉儀、張詠詩著。“青蔥教室系列之躍動成長路─專注力不足過動症學童全方位校本支援計劃 (家長手冊)” 香港:協康會,2011
Comprehensive School based supportive program for children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Hong Kong: Heep Hong Society
《青蔥教室系列─專注力不足過動症 (ADHD) 兒童訓練錦囊》香港:協康會,2008
Children from Mars –Parent guide on children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Hong Kong: Heep Hong Society
Lai, C.Y.Y., Connie Sung & Yung, W. K., Mar 2020, 另眼相看: 自閉症譜系人士與優勢模式的工作手法. Hong Kong, p. 11-65
❖ 文章
Yung, T.W.K. (2021) Sensory Modulation: a Window to Sluggish Cognitive Tempo Symptoms Among Children, Current Developmental Disorders Reports, https://doi.org/10.1007/s40474-021-00238-w
Yung, T.W.K., Lai, C.Y.Y., Chan, J.Y.C., Ng, S.S.M. & Chan, C.C.H. (2021) Examining the role of attention deficits in the social problems and withdrawn behaviour of children with sluggish cognitive tempo symptoms, Frontiers in Psychiatry, 12.
Yung, T.W.K., Lai, C.Y.Y., Ng, S.S.M. & Chan, C.C.H. (2020) Neuro-physiological correlates of sluggish cognitive tempo (SCT) symptoms in school-aged children, European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 29(3), p. 315-326.
Lai, Y.Y.C., Yung, W.K., Lai, H.Y., So, Y. & Ng, S.M.S. (2020) Pre-clinical study of immediate effects of religious and non-religious mindfulness practice on cardiovascular and cortical modulation, Journal of integrative cardiology, p.1-44.
Wangkawan, T., Lai, C., Munkhetvit, P., Yung, T. & Chinchai, S. (2020) The development and psychometric properties of the visuospatial working memory assessment (VWMA) for children, Occupational Therapy International.
Lai, C.Y.Y., Yung, T.W.K., Gomez, I.N. & Siu, A.M. H. (2019) Psychometric properties of sensory processing and self-regulation checklist (SPSRC), Occupational Therapy International.
Yung, T.W.K., Lai, Y.Y.C., Gomez, I., Loh, V., Wang, J., Chan, J.Y.C., Krishnamurthy, K., Lau, W.M. & Ng, S.M.S. (2017) Parents’ perceptions of children’s executive functions across different cities, Child Neuropsychology, p. 1-10.
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